It's fairly difficult to make a website devoted to yourself without coming off as a just a wee bit narcissistic; so lets just dive right in and start talking about how great I am.
If there is one thing you should take away from this website it's that I have over half a thousand followers on Instagram who live and breathe my travel content. My work as an influencer is a key part of my identity.
I'm also a thought leader on Twitter, with tens of followers. I've been known to spit hot bars on the network from time to time.
Dot files, hot files, got my bash script looking like I bought files - you cash stripped, weak equipped. Your bashrc? nondescript #NerdRap
— Will Washburn (@willwashburn) April 8, 2013
I was on Tik Tok but since it's been banned in the US I never really made it big. That's the only reason I wasn't huge there. Definitely.
On Github, you can
find my double digit starred repositories full of
code I've written over a short 20 year career. I've held multiple Lunch
and Learns at
where I've impressed colleagues with my power
point presentation skills and my audacity to fix problems by dropping
your computer out of a window.
I've spent the last few years homeless traveling as a digital nomad, which is a short phrase for "extremely privileged knowledge worker who can't even commit to a location". All I need is a laptop, stable internet and coworkers who don't mind that the bus I'm traveling on will be out of cell range during our 10am meeting so we'll need to reschedule.
This has allowed me to do totally reasonable things like go
on safari with 12 friends on a shoe string budget for a long weekend.
Well, that and the fact that I pay WifiTribe
to connect me with people
who also are also critically damaged enough to drop all their
and travel full time.
My website,, chronicles my journey where I explain to people less fortunate than me that the reason I can do this is because of hard work and not because of extremely unfair amounts of luck. I'm still working on the monetization.
Along the way I ran into Mary Baker and since then we've been living what most would consider an unreasonably long first date. We've survived quarantining together and are now making our way "home" in the least direct way possible.
The fact is I'm just one of the luckiest guys in the world who is determined to not let my good fortune go to waste. I'm looking to make an impact on the universe, but I get that it takes time. I one day hope to be a father my children are proud of. I'm already preparing the dad jokes.
If you'd like to contact me, instagram or twitter is the best bet.